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If you are done with the struggles, fear, prosperity gimmicks, and overwhelm that stop you
cold every time you think about improving your finances…
…Then it’s time for YOU to become a Kingdom Wealth Builder!

Go ahead and finish the sentence, “My people perish for a lack of…”
Not it either.
God said, “My people perish for a lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).
Go back and look at all of those statements above Christians make about money. What is the root cause? Lack of knowledge.
It is either a lack of knowledge about God—what He is really like and who He actually wants to be for you.
(He is better than you think…so let’s change the way you think!)
Or it is a lack of knowledge about money—how it actually works in the Kingdom of God and on earth.
What 95% of Us Were Never Taught
If you’re like most Christians, you weren’t taught in church about money beyond tithes and offerings.
Listen: You cannot build wealth through tithes and offerings alone, but you will not build wealth with God without generosity.
Your family probably taught you to go to school, get a good job, and work hard for your money…but you weren’t taught how to have your money work for you.
As important as money is in our daily lives, most Christians have not taken their financial learning seriously.
Kingdom Wealth Builders, however, are different.
For them, money is just another way to be intimate with Jesus.
We don’t love money; we serve God with our money. We turn our dollars into soldiers to accomplish Kingdom purposes.
We seek vision, not provision.
The difference between financial mediocrity and financial abundance is financial knowledge.
It is having the knowledge and the wisdom of what to do…with God.
But financial knowledge isn’t enough. There is another reason that keeps Christians stuck…
When It Comes to Money, There Are Two Paths…
The path of earned income or
The path of passive income.
In other words, you can work for money or money can work for you.
On one path you get paid only for what you do; on the other you get paid no matter what you do.
At the end of this path is a place of provision for your vision where you have enough money working for you…
…so that you no longer have to work for money…
Income from Investments > Living Expenses
Where the income from your investments is greater than your living expenses…so you don’t have to ask money for permission to obey God or do what’s in your heart.
But that kind of passive income doesn’t happen by accident.
You first have to get the financial knowledge…
But there is something else you need…
It’s been said that if you don’t know where you’re going, any path will get you there.
Interestingly, the opposite is equally true: If you know where you’re going, there is a best path for getting there.
Your fastest path to passive income comes from designing your own personalized Wealth M.A.P. (Massive Action Plan).
The goal of your Wealth M.A.P. is to get you on the positive, life-changing path to passive income in the shortest time possible.
Clarity + Action > Fuzzy
Your Wealth M.A.P. is kind of like a road map to drive you where you want to go.
It is kind of like a custom financial blueprint to build your financial house.
It makes your financial goals totally real. No more doubt. You will see if you do X, then you will get Y.
It becomes the bridge between where you are today and God’s provision for your vision
This isn’t some cookie-cutter, generic plan like you’d get from a financial advisor. Those don’t produce reliable results.
Your wealth plan must be custom fitted to your life, calling, gifts, skills, and resources.
There are many ways to achieve wealth,
but only one path that will uniquely fit you.
Your personalized Wealth M.A.P. is like your Kingdom Wealth Building Game Plan that helps you:
Get crystal clear on the exact steps you need to take daily so that wealth becomes a matter of “when” not “if”
“Collapse time” and generate 40 years’ worth of returns in 10 years or less.
Manage risk with every investment so you make more by losing less
Employ the 6 types of leverage so you can get more done with less of your own resources and shave 30 years off of your retirement plan
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